CODE Maths Hub

CODE Travel Claims Guidance 2024.25

Hub travel claims can fall under three categories:
  • Travel to central NCETM meetings (Maths Hub Network Activity)
  • Travel to local CODE Maths Hub meetings
  • Travel to schools as part of a Work Group/Community/Cohort Lead role

Maths Hub Network Activity Claims

The following costs can be claimed:

  • Standard class rail travel
  • Mileage at 45p per mile
  • Car parking, toll road and congestion charges that have been necessarily incurred, with production of a valid receipt (the NCETM ask that these costs are avoided where possible)
  • Accomodation for the night before, in the following cases:
  • Where the distance means that it would be impossible to get to the event by the start time
  • Where the overnight accomodation is cheaper than the cheapest fare for arriving on the morning of the event
  • Where there is consecutive activity e.g. workshops on two days in a row

These claims 
must be submitted within three months of the event date.

The easiest way to arrange train tickets or accommodation costs is to request that the hub book for you via the link below. If you prefer, you are able to make your own booking and submit a claim, but please note that it may take several weeks for you to receive the money back from the hub.

Travel to CODE Maths Hub meetings

Where CODE Local Leaders of Mathematics Education (LLME) meetings or other local meetings are held in person, we may pay fuel expenses. If the event is eligible, we will communicate this to attendees.

Travel as part of the Work Group/Cohort/Community Lead role

The funding that is provided to your school for the work that you do for the Maths Hub should cover these expenses. Where Work Groups require school visits, e.g. Mastery Readiness, the funding includes a sum for travel expenses. Unless you are informed otherwise, claims for these costs should be submitted to your school.