CODE Maths Hub

Leadership Opportunites

Primary Mastery Specialist Programme

This programme is for teachers who have a passion and enthusiasm for teaching for mastery and a desire to develop as a specialist teacher of primary maths. The first year of this programme is a training and development year, involving residential events and collaboration with other schools.

Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme

This programme supports secondary schools that wish to nominate ‘lead teachers’ to take part in an important three-year professional development programme leading to the designation of Secondary Mastery Specialist. The first year of this programme involves attending central NCETM events as well as personal dev

Further Education Mastery Specialist Programme

This two-year programme is designed for those who teach GCSE Mathematics resit and/or Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs), enabling them to develop teaching for mastery in their own classroom in the first year, and collaboratively across their department in the second year. 

Professional Development (PD) Development and Accreditation Programme

If you have existing experience as a leader of professional development and wish to develop further in this role, this programme is for you and is open to all phases from Early Years. 

Your prior experience could be within your own setting/organisation or more widely, including work with your local hub. Throughout the year’s programme, participants will attend online and face-to-face activity equating to three days as well as completing a series of independent planning and study tasks. There is also an opportunity to gain Masters credits and a PG Certificate from the University of Chester. 

School Development Lead Programme

This programme is designed specifically to enable the leaders of maths school development to enhance leadership capacity and capability in the schools they support through their role. This includes colleagues leading change in a school or group of schools other than their own (e.g. within Multi-Academy Trusts).

The programme involves online and face-to-face workshops equating three days across the year, as well as activities to be completed in your setting.